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Donnington’s Reef Moving Day – Coming Soon

by Henrietta Benjamin


Donnington and the girls are back, with more fun and laughter from their reef. In Donnington’s Reef Moving Day we find them in a state of turmoil and more than a little peckish. A gentle light-hearted tale about the lives of nine pedigree cats who live in a safe haven in the sunshine of Southern Spain.

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Donnington and the girls are back, with more fun and laughter from their reef. In Donnington’s Reef Moving Day we find them in a state of turmoil and more than a little peckish. Donnington is a young Burmese boy who lives with a group of very different cat personalities so things do not always go his way. A gentle, funny tale set in Southern Spain that children and cat lovers will read again and again. Henrietta Benjamin has lived inland from the Costa del Sol in Southern Spain for the last fifteen years. Everyone is a real individual so full of stories that it is sometimes hard to keep up and write it all down!






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