Over thirty sketches by artist, photographer and illustrator Gaile Griffin Peers www.ggp.pics  – doodles and intricate patterns to inspire imaginative artists everywhere – for all ages.
9,00 €
Over thirty sketches by artist, photographer and illustrator Gaile Griffin Peers www.gaile.gallery – doodles and intricate patterns to inspire imaginative artists everywhere – for all ages. A Challenging Art Colouring Book
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When Tommy discovers that the pretty pebble he has brought home from holiday is a Dragon’s egg, he is more than a little surprised. Zig Finds a Home is the start of Tommy and Zig’s adventures and friendship, in between teeth-cleaning and Macaroni and Cheese. Written and illustrated by Gaile Griffin Peers www.ggp.pics
Over thirty sketches by artist, photographer and illustrator Gaile Griffin Peers www.gaile.gallery – doodles and intricate patterns to inspire imaginative artists everywhere – for all ages. A Challenging Art Colouring Book – see more at www.ggp.pics
Over thirty sketches by artist, photographer and illustrator Gaile Griffin Peers www.gaile.gallery – doodles and intricate patterns to inspire imaginative artists everywhere – for all ages. A Challenging Art Colouring Book
Over thirty sketches by artist, photographer and illustrator Gaile Griffin Peers www.gaile.gallery – doodles and intricate patterns to inspire imaginative artists everywhere – for all ages. A Challenging Art Colouring Book
Over thirty sketches by artist, photographer and illustrator Gaile Griffin Peers www.ggp.pics  – doodles and intricate patterns to inspire imaginative artists everywhere – for all ages.
Over thirty sketches by artist, photographer and illustrator Gaile Griffin Peers www.gaile.gallery – doodles and intricate patterns to inspire imaginative artists everywhere – for all ages. A Challenging Art Colouring Book – see more at www.ggp.pics
Over thirty sketches by artist, photographer and illustrator Gaile Griffin Peers www.gaile.gallery – doodles and intricate patterns to inspire imaginative artists everywhere – for all ages. A Challenging Art Colouring Book
Following the paths of honest men is not easy for either Ahmed or Hamid. Their choices have an impact far beyond the boundaries of their villages.
Picked and Mixed contains two previously unpublished collections of short stories. It is an eclectic mix of styles and genres, from funny to sad, from bizarre to strange, from weird to wonderful.
Derek has not had much success getting his first great novel started – in fact, the research it requires has nearly cost him his marriage and ruined several pairs of his wife’s tights.
A detailed perception of wartime in Liverpool and later as an apprentice and aircraft engineer at Speke Airport, this well researched story takes you deep into the minutiae of life in the forties and fifties.
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